Ivanette came across this video today and I thought I'd share it. It's a short little video, but it answers some of the most common questions our couples have:
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By Emilia @ Lilac Lingerie
Comfort first
On your wedding day, lingerie style is a matter of personal preference. Plenty of options are available to be provocative and daring, conservative and stylish, or gentle and elegant under your very special dress. The most important thing for every bride, is comfort.
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http://bhphotography.ca/bh2017/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/BHPHOTO-WEBLOGO2.png00bhargreaveshttp://bhphotography.ca/bh2017/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/BHPHOTO-WEBLOGO2.pngbhargreaves2010-03-26 09:39:092015-10-08 10:14:47Under the white dress